As you start to explore Scotland again, keep an eye out for the ‘We’re Good to Go’ logo. This will show you which businesses have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment, and are working hard to follow government and public health guidance, and have everything in place to reopen safely.
Mini Kilt Tours is proud is say it has been Good To Go since July 2020. The Scottish government guidelines are constantly monitored to ensure tours adhere to them.
Scotland has a tier system of levels of restriction, the highest level is 4 and the lowest is 0. As of April 26 2021 Scotland mainland will move from Tier 4 to Tier 3.
What does this mean?
As of April 26 2021, 6 people from 3 households can meet outdoors with social distancing. Each household cannot be a bunch of friends from many households going out together, it means households that have isolated together can go out together. Social distancing of 2m must be adhered to between different households.
With this in mind all tours will be private bespoke tours; or walking tours with social distancing. Please note that as restrictions ease so will the numbers allowed on tours.
If you are unsure what the restrictions are, please email me:
For more info about the Good To Go scheme click here